Health & Hygiene Policy & Practice
I aim to promote a healthy lifestyle and a high standard of hygiene in my day to day work with children. This is achieved in the following ways:
I do not provide meals for the children in my care. Parents must provide a healthy packed lunch. I will, however, provide healthy snacks throughout the day. Babies` food, formula, milk, etc must be provided by parents.
Fresh drinking water is available throughout the day.
Outdoor play:
Children will have the opportunity to play in the fresh air regularly.
For illnesses please refer to the Illness Policy
For medication please refer to the Medication Policy
To prevent the spread of all infections, I shall ensure that the following good practices are observed:
Personal hygiene:
To wash hands with soap and warm water after using the toilet, playing outside and prior to eating food.
Tissues are available and children encouraged to blow and wipe their noses when necessary. Soiled tissues disposed of hygienically.
Children encouraged to shield their mouths when coughing.
Children’s individual towels are provided by parents.
Cleaning and clearing:
Any spills of blood, vomit or excrement wiped up and flushed down the toilet. Rubber gloves always used when cleaning up spills of body fluids.
Spare clothing available in case of accidents and polythene bags in which to wrap soiled garments.
All surfaces cleaned daily with an appropriate anti- bacterial solution.