A Typical Day
We believe children learn in different ways and therefore all activities and outings are planned for each individual child. We regularly observe children playing and use these observations to plan learning opportunities.
We will sometimes plan activities and outings around specific themes and events such as The Olympics, Christmas, summer, World book day, christmas etc..
All activities and outings will be tailored to suit individual children's ages, interests, needs and abilities.
Where possible, we aim to keep to consistent meal and rest times and plan varied play activities in between. However, we reserve the right to make changes in our routines – for example we may take the children on an outing which means meal and nap times may vary.
Here is a brief outline of our daily routine…
7.30am – 8.45am - Arrival and freeplay (No arrivals after 8.45am unless by prior arrangement)
9am - Snack
9.15am – 11.30am - Wake up, shake up movement activity Music time sometimes using instruments Reading session Adult guided activity to teach new things – playdough, crafting, messy play, walk, outside play, water play etc…
11.30am - Lunch – we all sit together
12.30pm/1pm - Nap time/ quiet time with a book or a tv program (for those who don’t nap)
2.45pm - School run, walk and play on the dips
4.30pm - Snack
4.30pm - onwards Home time and freeplay
We enjoy a wide variety of activities such as:
Childminder Drop-In Groups ~ Oake Playgroup ~ Cooking ~ Baking ~ Cutting and sticking ~ Painting ~ Drawing ~ Jewellery making ~ Experiments ~ Sand/water play ~ Junk modelling ~ Collages ~ Card making ~ Lego ~ Building bricks ~ Mega blocks ~ Stickle bricks ~ Play dough ~ Sensory play ~ Reading ~ Puzzles ~ Dressing up ~ Board games ~ Dancing ~ Music ~ Role play ~ Construction ~ Treasure hunts ~ Gardening ~ Games Consoles