Admisssion, Opening Times & Fee Policy
Current Vacancies
We allocate a place to a child on a “first-come first-served” basis; however, preference is given to parents who already have a child attending our setting.
Prior to admission, we are happy to arrange settling in sessions before your child starts with us so they can get used to us and familiarise themselves with this new environment.
The opening times that we operate are from 7.30am to 5.30pm Monday to Thursday.
We can open Bank Holidays if previously discussed.
NB. The business is closed for 2 weeks over Christmas and New year
We will be closed for 4 weeks per year for our holidays. We will give you adequate notice so that you may arrange childcare cover for your children.
Funded Childcare
We accept the government funded childcare scheme from 9 months onwards. Please see the childcare choices website for more information.
More information Click:-
Great News - We currently have vacancies!
NB. We reserve the right to amend any of the above, including changes in fees. We will give adequate notice to existing parents.
Fees Policy
Daily rate 10 hours 7.30am - 5.30pm - £55
Daily rate 9 hours 8.00am - 5.00pm - £50
Extra hours above these times will be charged at our standard hourly rate of £5.50 per hour, per child.
Bank Holiday Rates
Full day rate, for a maximum of 10 hours, is £110
Before/After School Care
Hourly rate will be £6.00 per hour, per child.
General Information
Fees are paid monthly on the 1st, in advance. Please pay either by cash or BACS via your bank account. Details will be provided on request.
If paying by vouchers / Tax free childcare payment must be mde on the 25th of every month.
There is no refund for any absence i.e. child / parent sickness, days off, etc. This also includes if the child is on holiday.
NB. If we take time off due to illness, or during our allocated holidays no charges will apply.
Notice required for the termination of this contract:
Parents are required to give 4 weeks written notice if their children are to leave our setting. Full payment of fees will be due for this period.
If we need to give you notice for any reason, we will give 2 weeks written notice of our intention to do so.